I found the simple womans daybook's blog (click header above to take you there) recently and love the idea of reflecting on the simple things in life. At taking time to look at these things. Especially at present when I feel over worked, am in pain with my hip and find direction to ap ositive place a bit difficult at times.
FOR TODAY Thursday 27th October...
Outside my window...
The sun is shining, the chooks are bathing and digging in the dirt in the shade...
I am thinking...
That life has ben abit hectic lately and really is time to schedule in some forced relaxation.
I am thankful for...
My husband... who took this week off work to help with the children, to take them to and from school and to give me time to rest my hip and finish my current work.
From the kitchen...
a simple quick , yet yummy bologniase for the rest of family... tonight I am going out for tea!
I am wearing...
3/4 excercise pants and a comfy tee, bare feet.
I am creating...
A recipe book for my children.
I am going...
out for dinner tonight with a wonderful bunch of fellow photographers who all volunteer for the ACOCP
I am reading...
blogs, lots of blogs....
I am hoping...
that my husband gets the job he has applied for, he so very much wants it.
I am hearing...
Around the house...
with my recent injury the house has gone to the.... gosh no words can describe!
One of my favorite things...
Watching our new kittens chase and play, having them snuggle and purr on me in the evenings... I was never a cat person... or so I thought.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Continue to get on top of my backload of client work, finish my tax, add some lime to the front garden beds, take some time out with the kids.
Here is picture thought I am sharing... an older picture from my files. I may have shared it before, not sure. It is from a trip to Rye in May. I escaped of the weekend with just the kids as life was feeling overwhelming and the husband and i bickering for no good reason. We spent our time walking on the beach and them playing in the rock pools, sand dunes etc whilst I relaxed and read a book. Below is 'Bushy Island' created by my 6 yr old daughter from things she collected at the beach that day.

beautiful post Susan. It is so easy to forget to look around us sometimes
I love this and see it as the perfect example of what an RE raised kid can create!
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