Sunday, August 23, 2020

 Back again. 

Doing a menu plan last week has helped. We still had take away one night, and I did uber eat lunch twice, so the budget spent on food for last week was probably close to the $550 mark, far too much (even for 6 people and 5 pets). 

The pulled pork was a bit hit and spread easily over two meals for the whole family and I had some for lunch on one day also. 

This week I checked the cupboards and actually wrote a list before heading to the shops. I am wanting to really make an effort to improve the food i am eating, eat less crap. So I have planned some things to cook for lunches also, since not many of us are sandwich eaters. 

This weeks menu for dinners - 

  • Thai beef salad
  • Pulled beef tacos (a recipe my daughter wants to me that she found on tik tok). 
  • Chicken kievs and veg
  • Chicken curry and rice
  • Chicken wraps
  • Fish and veg
  • Salmon and cauliflower salad (new recipe to try out) 
  • turkey burgers or turkey san choy bow - have ingredients for either. 
I have bought additional ingredients to make enough soup (Beef pho and a vegetable soup) to have for lunches also, and also have tuna and salads for lunch too. and if any left over, there will be beef and gravy rolls one day too, will have to wait and see as its a new recipe so not sure how far it will stretch). I'll make additional burger patties too as these are easy go to as I pre cook them and freeze them for reheating. 

Shopping was approx $390. An improvement so far on last week, though I forgot dishwashing tablets so will need to get them and will likely have to top up fruit before the end of the week and maybe a little veg. I also have additional fsh I bought and have sectioned and put in the freezer, so I have can have that when the family has the curry etc. 

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