Over at Lightening Jodie is blogging her menu planning and her shoping budget betwen now and the end of the year. I too wish to do this but will work on that for Wednesdays as thats pay day here. But will plan for Mondays.
At present we are having our fruit and vegies delivered by Aussie Farmers Direct once a week and its a mixed box that we have no choice in, we also get all our bread and milk delivered by them and orange juice and cheese. Below will be this wednesdays delivery (I can download and see online so can plan which is good)

The above doesnt quite cover all that we use so I have to top up especially fruit.
What we have left over at the moment that needs using too.
Washed potatoes, a whole pumpkin, small piece brocolli, 2 leb cucumbers, 1 bag salad mix, 2 bunches bok choy, half cauliflour, 1 zuchini, 1 green capsicum, half a red and ahalf a yellow capsicum.
Meat already in freezer - 3 porterhouse steaks (small), 3 chicken breasts (reminder must get deep freezer repaired this week as under warranty!)
Eggs in abundance from chooks.
So with the above in mind my menu plan for this week will be:
- Chicken fillets and vegetables (tonight)
- pumpkin soup (will be had for lunches)
- Lentil shepherds pie (to use up lots of the vegies)
- minestrone/vegie soup (again to make good use of last weeks excess vegies)
- chicken curry (Joeys japanese one that will use the cabbage up)
- lentil/chick pea curry.
- Pasta with either bolognaise or meatballs.
- fried rice and honey soy wings.
- quiche (lunches)
- home made rissoles or sausages/vegies
- Thai beef salad (lunches)
(I'll keep the eggplant til next Monday to use in a recipe then of tandoori lamb casserole)
What I need to buy:
mince meat (kangaroo)
chicken wings (2 kilos)
More fruit - 3-4 kgs apples and 1-2 kgs banaanas.
spinach leaves
breakfast cereal
ham for lunches
rice crackers
tins tuna
baked beans
toilet paper
hot chocolate
lime juice cordial
tzatziki dip
Gosh that makes shopping look affordable, will be curious to see if it really works! I plan to budget $200 a week on food as we spend over that now! The aussie direct order is $76 each week so that leaves me $124 to get everything else.
I work from home and hubby is home in the midday hours so its good to plan 3 or more cooked lunches a week if possible. This accounts for the kids lunches also.
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