A lot has happened over the last 8-9 months. Too much to go into in one post.
One thing thats been truly wonderful is my house is finally finally after all this time, almost fully sorted and decluttered. I'll have to take some photos and upload next week, I am computerless at home at present so only on the computer at work til I get the laptop back, which has been a blessing really.
Other really exciting news, well for me anyway, is we finally uilt a chook run! Our 7 chooks have been 100% free range 9as in no run or pen) for the last 18 months if not longer and they now have a new home and they seem happy for it, our grass is growing once again and I am now planning restructuring a very large vegie patch!
Heres a pic of the chook run.
It needs a new pic, we have water and feeders hanging inside and a few fly traps and there is now a gate by the large post in the middle to get in and out easier.
I'm still here! So glad you got a chook run. How is business going?
I'm here too - that's the beauty of feedreaders. You just "pop up" again when you post. :)
Lovely to hear of your success with the house. I'm working on it and getting there slowly. If I stopped taking on jobs like P&F president and Governing Council, I'm sure it would get done faster! LOL
Well done on the chook run & the decluttering!
Lucy business is going great, working with ausiness coach thisyear to uild it to suit my lifestyle more.
Lightening decluttering was such a psychological battle for me, it is amazing how wonderful it feels to finally have it done.
Hey Kez, thanks its an accomplishment for sure!
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