These are some images of the play room BEFORE I cleaned it up.
I was really sick of the cane shelf, the old dining table, the couch- all are older second hand items (I dont think any furniture in out entire house is new?) the toys were all mixed up, the kids had stopped playing in here (can you blame them!)

THE RESULT!!!! We got rid of the old couch and replaced it with another one (bought for $50 at the op shop, its a sofa bed too and the mattress looks brand new/never used) no one else likes the couch, i think they have no taste cause I LOVE it :)
The corner desk is actually the top of the tv cabinet (see below) I bought it from the op shop aghain ($70 for thetop and bottom) and it fits perfectly here in the corner and the actually use it as a desk now!

the 'boys' corner. Liam is in heaven he has access to his train set and all his cars again... poor jaime is constantly being bugged to play cars with him now. thankfully she is a compliant big sister at times!

This bookshelf i bought for $15 at the op shop. its great as means everything that was on the floor is now up and looks soooo much neater and is more organised!

this is my new work office! I was working out of a shared room witht he hubby but found it causes us to bicker as we are next to each other ALL the time. Plus I like that this room is now MY space. My desk is a trestle table we used to store office stuff on/boxes etc. pity i dont have a before of this room as it was the junk room and you couldn't even walk in the door!
(the basket on the desk is from an op shop too, all the plastics (in/out trays, pencil holder etc are all made form recycled plastic.)

OK our lounge is NOT normally this shocking. Poor hubby he'll hate me for posting a pick of him downing a long neck (its home brew) watching a sports show... typical aussie bloke (LOL) - immune to the mess around him too!

and the result of a spring clean!!
We got rid of the stereo that was there and put it in the garage (and the kids love it out there now and blast the music, my poor neighbours!)
we got the new (second hand form op shop) tv cabinet. its great as the amp, dvd player and foxtel all fit packed away now. there are shelves for the dvds on the side of the case.
we moved the fitness/trainer to the toy room (probably should freecycle it cause we never use it, we prefer to excercise in the great outdoors!) put a throw/red blanket over the couch as its leather (no idea if its real leather or not another hand me down) but its been peeling off(ok the kids keep picking at it) so this looks better.
see the rocker my son is on in the edge of the frame? an old op shop buy thats bneen great, the kids love it.

next up i want to get rid of those awful vertical blinds. no idea what to replace them with though but they do need to go!
What great improvements you've made. You should be feeling very proud of yourself. Great op shop finds. I'm about to go on a op-shop bus tour - will be first time every shopping in one and I can't wait (I hear so many good things).
oh an op shop bus tour sounds very fun! I'm quite envious hope you find some great bargains and unique items!
Wow - you've been busy!!! I'm trying to declutter and reorganise our place at the moment too. Nothing as fabulous as what you've done though!!!
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